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Data Privacy Principles

Athena International Publishing recognizes that the proper handling of personal data is very important and is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with regard to your privacy and to protecting the privacy of the personally-identifiable information that we collect from you. We endeavor to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to the gathering and use of personal information including, but not limited to, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and U.S. privacy laws such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). As a result, we strive to adhere to the highest data privacy and security standards and we exercise the following principles which underpin our data privacy policy:

  • Value. We collect and use personal information to facilitate efficiency and productivity in research, healthcare and education.
  • Transparency. We inform users about the personal information we collect from them, including how and why we will use and share it.
  • Choice. Users are given a choice over the collection, use and sharing of their personal information.
  • Anonymization. We de-personalize and aggregate personal information where individual identification is not necessary.
  • Accountability. We are committed to acting as a responsible steward of personal information.

For more detailed information about our practices and policies related to the collection, use and storage of personally-identifiable information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.