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Volume 1 in Athena Transactions in Mathematical and Physical Sciences Published

November 29th, 2023

Athena is pleased to announce that its new proceedings series "Athena Transactions in Mathematical and Physical Sciences" has published its first volume: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Square Bamboos and the Geometree (ISSBG 2022). This symposium was jointly organized by Genicap Beheer B.V. and Geniaal B.V. and brought together botanists, biologists, technologists, physicists, applied mathematicians and geometers.

Athena Transactions in Mathematical and Physical Sciences is an open access book series dedicated to publishing proceedings of academic conferences and workshops in the broad fields of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. The series offers conference organizers a fast, versatile and cost-effective process for publishing the proceedings of conferences and workshops in these fields. Volume 1 contains the proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Square Bamboos and the Geometree (ISSBG 2022). Jointly organized by Genicap Beheer B.V. and Geniaal B.V., this symposium brought together botanists, biologists, technologists, physicists, applied mathematicians and geometers. Contributions spanned a wide range of subjects, but the common themes were cutting-edge research on form and shape in geometry and in the natural sciences, and transcending boundaries. The name of the symposium symbolizes the close connection between geometry and the natural sciences.

The ISSBG 2022 symposium was divided into three sessions: (1) Geometry; (2) Mathematics; (3) Applications in Biology and Technology. Contributions in Geometry deal with position vectors in submanifold theory, the construction of equilibrium surfaces with symmetry for anisotropic energy functions, Generalized Möbius-Listing bodies and geometric algebra using R-functions. Contributions in Mathematics deal with using nested analytic functions to compute Laplace Transforms, the stability of solutions in mixed differential equations and Umbral calculus. Applications in technology involve computational optimization of antennas, applications of the superformula in CAD/CAM and technology, modeling of animal bones using superellipses and the connection to complexity theory.

Athena expects to sign the publication agreement for the next edition of this symposium (ISSBG 2023) shortly, thus marking a successful start for Athena's proceedings portfolio in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences. At the time of writing this article, discussions on the appointment of a Series Editor were still ongoing.

Athena International Publishing is an open access publisher of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information which was founded at the end of 2021 to further support the efficient dissemination of “sound science” and the advancement and exchange of scientific knowledge. The company headquarters is based in Amsterdam in The Netherlands and our team consists of a group of publishing professionals with more than 150 years of combined experience across all major STM publishers and service providers in the industry. The Athena publishing portfolio consists of journals, book series, conference proceedings and books covering all STM disciplines including Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Biology and Life Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. All our publications are Open Access and hence free to read, download, copy and distribute under the terms of the applicable Creative Commons end-user license. For more information, please visit